Before making any payments, please be sure to read the tour brochure and make sure you fully understand the Terms and Conditions section.
Protect yourself from fraud: Scopia LLC will never send you an email requesting to change the address for sending checks, or the link to pay with a credit card. If you are unsure about a particular email or request for payment, please call or email Scopia LLC before making any payments.
A. You can make your initial deposit of $100 by credit card, or by check.
To pay your initial deposit (by April 15, 2025), please click here. Or, you may send a check.
Check payments should be made payable to Scopia LLC and mailed to arrive by the due date to Scopia LLC, 8916 N. Iroquois Road, Bayside, WI 53217. Write "Austria 2025" on the memo line.
All payments must be made by the due dates below and are non-refundable.
Copyright 2004-2022. Scopia, LLC. All rights reserved.
Florida Seller of Travel. Registration Number ST42346.
Not registered as a Seller of Travel in CA, HI, and WA..
All Rights Reserved